
Set up your own bitcoin payment system the easy way(with 4 APIs)

Source code
const Cryptoo = require('cryptoo');

// Create a cryptoo instance
// Start syncing blockchain data
const cryptoo = new Cryptoo({
  secret: 'sample-secret-e34dc9dff1b8b04c2b678ff7bb1dd02181bfe31b045f77',

// Get recovery phrase to backup your HD wallet

// Generate address to receive coins(shoud be recorded for looking up later)

// Fires when an unconfirmed transaction is received to your address
cryptoo.on('unconfirmedTx', ({ address, txHash, value }) => {
    console.log(`saw tx ${value} for ${address}`);

// Fires when a transaction to your address has one confirmation
cryptoo.on('confirmedTx', ({ address, txHash, value }) => {
    console.log(`received ${value} for ${address}`);


See how cryptoo is used in practise by making a donation. Source code of this example is avaliable on github.

Lateset donations

Donator Value(₿) Transaction
sample sample sample

Biggest donations

Donator Value(₿) Transaction
sample sample sample